Type Variants

This is a default alert. Give it a click

This is a success alert. Give it a click

This is a warning alert. Give it a click

This is a danger alert. Give it a click

With Icon

This is a default alert. Give it a click

This is a success alert. Give it a click

This is a warning alert. Give it a click

This is a danger alert. Give it a click

With Shadow

This is a default alert. Give it a click

This is a success alert. Give it a click

This is a warning alert. Give it a click

This is a danger alert. Give it a click

With Closing

This is a default alert. Give it a click

This is a success alert. Give it a click

This is a warning alert. Give it a click

This is a danger alert. Give it a click

Size Variants

This is a default small alert. Give it a click

This is a default small alert. Give it a click

This is a warning regular alert. Give it a click

This is a warning regular alert. Give it a click

This is a success large alert. Give it a click

This is a success large alert. Give it a click

Block Style

This is a default alert. Give it a click

This is a success alert. Give it a click

This is a warning alert. Give it a click

This is a danger alert. Give it a click

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